
The potential of a bioeconomy to reduce Brazilian GHG emissions towards 2030: a CGE-based life cycle analysis


JamesDeMers ‘s picture by Pixabay In order to reduce emissions, Brazil has three main pillars: Increasing the share of biomass in the total primary energy supply to 18%, Reducing deforestation, and Achieving 45% of renewable energy in the energy mix. An analysis by Pedro G. Machado, Marcelo… Continue a ler »The potential of a bioeconomy to reduce Brazilian GHG emissions towards 2030: a CGE-based life cycle analysis

Entrevista com Eduardo Daher para o canal “terraviva”

No quadro Perspectiva Rural desta segunda-feira (05), o apresentador Tobias Ferraz, entrevista o economista e consultor da Macro Sector, Eduardo Daher que fala sobre a balança comercial e os bons resultados do agronegócio no primeiro trimestre deste ano. Acompanhe na íntegra!